Updated January 2021
Supporting Children
Updated Information for September
- ACS Essential-visitor-protocol coronavirus (3) Sept 2020.pdf
- Homeschool Agreement Sept 2020 Covid.pdf
- Rainbow Curriculum PPT A.pdf
- BM Mental Health Education Booklet.pdf
- Parent&Staff Newsletter Welcome Back.pdf
- Primary welcome back newsletter.pdf
- Returning_to_primary_school_-_Leaflet_for_parents (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6).pdf
- Schools & Early Years Settings COVID-19 Outbreak Guide.pdf
COVID 19 ANXIETY | 5 tips for staying mentally well during the Coronavirus pandemic
I've had lots of requests about how to manage anxiety during the Coronavirus pandemic so here are a few ideas which I hope you'll find helpful. 00:22 - routi...
Advice from Bucks Mind
- ALL Action for Happiness - Active Coping April.pdf
- COVID19_advice for parents and carers_20.3_V31 (003).pdf
- PARENTS top-ten-tips-to help children cope.pdf
- Primary Weekly Wellbeing Issue 1 (Spring).pdf
- Primary Weekly Wellbeing Newsletter - Resilience and Courage.pdf
- Parent Weekly Wellbeing Newsletter - Resilience and Courage .pdf
- When Emotions Explode.pdf
Useful Links
Childline Coping with lockdown
Everybody Worries A book to help teach children about the worries surrounding coronavirus.