Early Years
Our over arching aim for the Early years provision is: to ensure that the provision at Aston Clinton is at least good
We will:
5.1 Develop the quality of adults questioning so that they are more effective at developing pupils understanding and skills
5.2 Leaders construct a language-rich curriculum and environment that is ambitious and designed to give priority pupils, including those with SEN, the knowledge and cultural capital they need for the future.
5.3 Teaching is highly responsive to children’s needs - High quality provision for priority children
5.4 Reading including phonics – a rigorous, systematic and sequential approach to reading and phonics ensures pupils develop fluency.
5.5 The outdoor provision is stimulating and supports the curriculum needs of all learners
5.6 Increase the percentage of children achieving their ELGs so that the school is at least in line with National
Autumn 1 Update:
5.1 So far, staff have been observed and questioning has been graded as at least good during internal and external moderation. The reception team are working closely with their EYFS County advisor and training has been sought to further develop questioning skills for all members of staff.
5.2 The environment is language rich with a variety of texts available for the children to read throughout the provision. Questioning is targeted and is supports all pupils. Members of staff have sought new books to read to the children which are language rich, challenge the children’s vocabulary and encourage them to hear rhyming patterns.
5.3 The provision has been graded as at least good by the School’s external advisor. Priority children are targeted through observation and questioning by all members of staff. CPD is continuing through webinars by Alistair Bryce-Clegg and the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education.
5.4 The children are revising phase 2 sounds and all children now have either lilac (picture) books or de-codeable books linked to their knowledge in phonics which are changed twice a week.
5.5 The sand pit is enjoyed by all the children and the new MUGA is now in place for the children to create their own adventure trails. The reception team and the children are beginning to develop the final phase of the outdoor area - the planting area.
5.6 The reception team have completed their baseline assessment of the children and will continue to monitor and assess the children. The % of children working at the different levels is being assessed and each child will continue to be closely monitored and supported to challenge them in the 7 different areas of learning.
Spring Update 21
External visits conducted by an NLE (National Lead Educator) and the Local authority. Reports evidence strong improvements. Continued development of the outside provision and investment in resources. Training attended for the new framework. Staff attended PIP project and worked with Nursery's. New intake considered. Reviewed parental material to show the outside provision.