Leadership and Management
Our over arching aim for Leadership and Management is: To further develop and embed leadership at all levels (including governors) in line with the new Ofsted Inspection Framework
We will:
4.1 Remain abreast of and compliant with current Government guidance and legislation
regarding measures for schools during the Covid-19 pandemic.
4.2 Continue to internally and externally validate the current performance of the school across all areas of the Ofsted Framework.
4.3 Induction package and transition programme to support NQTs and new members of staff to the team.
4.4 Continue leadership development with subject leaders/ middle leaders and those that have changed year group.
4.5 A coaching, peer mentoring programme supports the development of senior leaders to develop effective high quality practices to move the school from requires improvement to good
4.6 Senior leaders to support leadership development
4.7 Introduce CPOMs as a paperless information/data management system for pastoral pupil records including safeguarding, attendance, behaviour, first aid etc,
4.8 Upgrade the school website to raise the profile of the school to the wider community
4.9 Governors have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school and effectively hold school leaders to account.
4.1 Align appraisal targets and review job descriptions for both teaching and support staff to the school development plan with a relentless focus on improvement priorities and improved outcomes for pupils
4.11 Review and update assessment policy to reflect recent changes to the data management system and assessment practicesAutumn Term Update:
We have a senior leadership team made up of Mrs Macdonald, Mrs Cole and Mrs Garraway. We firmly believe that this model of distributed leadership enables the most effective leadership of the school. Carole Green continues as the Chair of Governors and is being ably assisted by the other governors in the team. Mrs Green has successfully appointed 1 staff governor, 2 parents governors and 1 local authority governor. The Senior Leadership team have received training on the use on an online Safeguarding programme.
The school's NQTs are being thorough the Chartered College of teaching, the school's NQT mentor and the Senior Leadership Team.
One to one coaching is also being provided to all middle leaders, this will help to ensure the continued improvement of the curriculum.
Since the beginning of term these teams have been working to ensure the School’s Self-Evaluation and the School Development Plan are accurate representations of where we are currently and where we hope to get to by the end of this academic year. These documents reflect a range of views and an array of data that is available to us.
The school’s website is constantly evolving and, as important stakeholders, we would always be happy to hear your suggestions for how it could be improved
Autumn 2 Update:
During the second half of the Autumn term, we continued to build on the work undertaken in the first half of the Autumn term. In addition, we delivered subject leadership training to all staff who were new to the role or a subject. Staff shared where they were in terms of the development of their subject and had coaching on conducting a 'deep dive' within their area. Next term, our focus will be on supporting staff to carry out a full deep dive of their subject.
We also purchased CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) and all Designated Safeguarding Leads had training on how to use it. The January INSET trained all staff to use the system and how to log events.
Appraisal targets were set for teaching staff in accordance with DfE recommendations and aligned to the school's development plan.
Spring update 2021
Strong distributed leadership has kept the school moving forward. Strong external validation (See JJ report, parent survey, HS report, NLE report). The school has a clear plan which is reviewed and shared with stakeholders on a termly basis. SLT has a research led culture which underpins the work of the SDP. Staff development plan which evidences investment in training and response to monitoring and evaluation. Pupils have been part of the curriculum design process. Subject leader training focused on M and E (monitoring and evaluating) from a subject leader’s perspective. Middle leaders looked at the progression of their subjects from EYFS to Y6 and considered sequencing. Subject release time is to be given in order to bring about further curriculum design from a middle leader’s perspective. Strong mentoring which will be further enhanced with the addition of an experienced member of staff. Moderation booked for Y2 and Y6.