Children Return to School Survey
Children Survey
The children answered their own survey when they returned to school:
How happy do you feel about being back in school
62% are happy or very happy to be back at school
33% have mixed feelings (happy but a bit nervous/worried)
5% are not happy
What is your biggest feeling
“amazing” “excited” “so so happy”
“worried” “happy” “a bit nervous because of coronavirus”
“I’m feeling happy” “sometimes I was lonely at home”
“ok” “tired” “sad about missing mummy and daddy”
What was the best thing about being at home? What did you enjoy doing?
“being with my family” “riding my bike with my dad” “baking cakes and biscuits”
“playing” “playing games” “being with my baby brother”
“playing football” “playing with my toys” “watching TV”
“playing with my puppy” “staying in my pyjamas” “rushing to do my work so I could play”
“still being able to do World Book Day” “having home discos” “playing on the Nintendo switch”
“mummy helping me with my school work” “playing with dad in the garden”
Any worries?
“another lockdown” “coronavirus” “will school close again”
“I might lose my friends” “going back in to lockdown”
“being nervous about coming back because we haven’t been at school for a long time”
One thing you learnt to do at home?
“backflips” “to tidy up properly” “baking cakes”
“tell the time” “tie my shoelaces” “drawing pictures”
“learnt how to plant seeds” “write neater” “doing word searches”
“bake cookies” “how to communicate online” “wash the car”
“cleaning and tidying my bedroom” “be kinder to my brother”
“cleaning the kitchen” “how to write a proper story” “my 4 times table”
“ride my bike without stabilisers” “I learnt a new game with my sister”
What were you most looking forward to when you returned to school?
“seeing my friends” “seeing my teacher” “having fun with my friends”
“friends” “seeing people in real life” “more ancient Greek”
“having Miss Hall as my teacher not mum and dad” “doing work and seeing my friends”
One thing you wish we knew?
“when will coronavirus would go away” “when can I go to Spain?” “when will things be normal”
“when will covid end??????” “when will everything to go back to normal”