Year 1 December 2020
We have been really proud of the progress our children have made since the beginning of the year. The children have worked so hard and are really showing us what they can do. Well done!
Our topic this half term has been Ice Cold and we learnt about Robert Scott’s exploration to the South Pole. We have also learnt many amazing facts about penguins and all our art work has been based on cold colours.
In art, we have created Ice Cold works of art. Over the half term we have used ready mixed paint to create cold colour paintings. We really enjoyed ‘painting’ with powder paint. However, the paint was so thick and textured we had to spread it with lollypop sticks.
We have also practised our sewing skills to create our own textile tile! Finally, we practised our cutting skills to make a cold collage!
In English, all our books have been based on our Ice Cold theme. We particularly enjoyed learning about penguins. We write our own information texts using all the facts we found out!
In phonics, we have been learning new graphemes linked to the sounds we learnt in reception. For instance, we now know that the ‘ai’ phoneme can also be written as ‘ay’. We will continue all this new learning in the next term. Look out for the new graphemes in the children’s reading books. May we also take this opportunity to thank you for all the reading you do with the children at home. It is making such a difference to their reading abilities.
What a great term you have all had in Year One, we are very proud of you 😊
We wish you all and your families a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Miss Jackson, Mrs Geach, Mrs Clark, Ms Francis and Mrs Merlino