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Year 4 December 2020

Year 4

The children continue to impress us with their energy and love of learning.  Some recent highlights include:

Design and Technology

The children have been learning to make an apron out of old sheets and clothes (many thanks for the donations). This involves looking at a variety of designs of aprons and deciding with a partner which type of apron they would like to construct.  They then recycle material from the old items to create their new apron. At the time of writing, we are just beginning the constructions process – this involves cutting, sewing, etc. Good teamwork is an especially important when the children are working in their pairs.

Some quotes from the children:

“First we made the template, then we put it onto the material and cut it out, then we started to make the hem with pins, string and needles.” – E.G.

“Our first attempt didn’t work out, but looking at our second attempt it now looks great!” - M.H.G.


In our science lessons we have been learning about what sound is, what causes sound and how it can be measured. In recent investigations, year 4 have constructed a replacement telephone, using only string and coffee cups. The idea behind this experiment was to look at the impact on the loudness of sound when the distance from the source of the sound was varied.

Here are some quotes from the children:

“I thought it was really fun because we got to make telephones and it was fun investigating the phones to see if they worked or not” – F.G.

“I enjoyed this lesson because it was fun making phones!” ­– R.S.


In maths year 4 have been learning about perimeter. As part of that, they have been measuring various distances within school – which has included both in the classroom and outside on the playground.


Here’s what the children had to say about their maths lessons:

“I think learning about perimeter was quite fun, I liked how we got to go outside to measure the playground - every time we had different answers!” – I.Y. 

“I liked measuring perimeter because it was an extension to maths and it made maths fun because you got to use the equipment.” - L.J.


