Personal Development
Our over arching aim for Personal development is: Aston Clinton’s visions and values (Aspire, Care and Succeed) are embedded in all aspects of school life
We will:
3.1 Assess and adapt teaching plans to reflect pupil readiness for learning on return to school.
3.2 Continue to promote and support positive mental health and well-being of pupils and staff.
3.3 Finalise and adopt the scheme of work for RSE and launch in full from January 2021
3.4 Ensure that the curriculum extends beyond the academic and allows pupils to discover
3.5 Continue to provide opportunities for pupils to promote and lead physical activity for their peers.
3.6 Ensure children are resilient, tenacious, confident individuals who are prepared for their next stage in their education
3.8 Develop the PSHE curriculum to address the cultural imbalance so that learners can develop their awareness of the local and wider community
Autumn Term Update:
This term we have used formative assessment to adapt our planning to meet the needs of the children. This has been monitored by the Senior Leadership Team to check that planning reflect the needs of the children. The school's Emotional Support worked has worked with children that have required additional support and she has re-established ALL of her support groups: Young carers, PAT dog. The 4 DSL's (Designated Saefugaurding Leads) have had training on KCSIE 2020 (Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020) and they have re-written the school's Child Protection policy to note these changes. This will be shared with parents in January. We have re-started a number of our curriculum offerings to ensure that despite Covid-19 our children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. With the support of ACSA we have purchased a PSHE scheme of work to fully support our children in these difficult times. This area has been monitored through book deep dives, pastoral data review and daily learning walks.
Autumn 2 Update
We continued to build on the work undertaken in the first half of the Autumn term. In addition, we reviewed our provision for 'Relationship, Sex Education.' The Senior Leadership Team had training on the Jigsaw scheme and we uploaded all of the relevant materials to the school's website. Next term, we review our RSE policy and train all staff in the delivery of the Jigsaw scheme of work.
Spring 21 Update:
We carried out whole school staff training on the Intent and implementation of the Jigsaw (PSHE/ RSE) scheme. We collectively wrote the new PSHE/ RSE policy and disseminated this to parent forum for consultation.. We carried out a pupil survey and used this to identify the well being and worries our pupils. Classes and children have had additional support from the school's Emotional Support Worker and we have considered further options in the next SDP to further support our community well being. . James Redden an explorer conducted a whole school Geography day and a report was disseminated in the Friday flyer. We also held a whole school reading day and Red Nose day. Out of school hours clubs clubs, swimming, peripatetic music and wider opportunities for music restarted at the start of this term. We continued to send out Headteacher's and House point certificates weekly to promote pupils well being and engagement with learning. We introduced Birthday wishes to ensure that children know we are thinking about them. Parent survey administered. We have had staff training on the curriculum and have built into individualised areas, the children's 51 ideas. We have set up a 'Y6 camp out' as the replacement activity for the residential. Next year's Y6 residential is booked. The House captains ran a whole school event for Red Nose day.