Quality of Education
Our over arching aim for the 'Quality of Education is: To embed the ambitious curriculum that has been designed to meet the needs of children at Aston Clinton
We will:
1.1 Provide a Recovery Curriculum during the Autumn term to meet the needs of pupils returning to school following a long period of absence due to the Covid-19 lockdown. 1.2 Develop and embed robust assessment procedures to utilise data to inform teachers' practice and ensure improved outcomes for all 1.3 Use a range of assessment processes to identify learning gaps or barriers to learning and target teaching and/or intervention to address these as swiftly as possible. 1.4 Review the feedback and marking policy 1.5 Provide consistent teaching in maths leading to improved outcomes for all children 1.6 Improve the outcomes in phonics so that attainment is above the national average at the end of year 1 and year 2 1.7 Improve the outcomes in reading so that attainment is in line or above the national average at all phases 1.8 Ensure that the English curriculum is sequenced, language rich, coherently planned and takes into account the effective progression of skills across all phases 1.9 Spelling is well planned and progressive to meet the needs of all learners. 1.10 Teachers have high expectations of all pupils 1.11 Provide targeted tuition in English (particular focus on reading) and maths via wrap around care for those pupils who are adversely affected by Covid 1.12 To increase the proportion of pupils achieving expected levels in RWM combined in line with the national average. |
Autumn 1 Update:
So far we have delivered training on our recovery curriculum; this set out to firstly ensure that the children were ready to learn and re-established a sense of community. The Powerpoint can be found on our website.
We have monitored this through daily learning walks to check behaviour and engagement with learning. We have also carried out phonics tests, reading bench mark tests and NFER tests to establish children's gaps. We have carried out 'deep dives' in EYFS, phonics, maths, English and Science. In addition, we have supported the PE lead to ensure that children can access extra PE provision. We have baselined all our children in the Early Years and we will use the resulting data to plan learning experiences to support the needs of the children.
We have had Powermaths training which was delivered by the Pearson education team. This has led to improved consistency throughout our school.
We have also appointed an academic mentor to support learning for those who are having to isolate and have used some of our catch-up premium to ensure that we support early reading. This will ensure that children are fully equipped with the skills necessary to access the curriculum.
Autumn 2 Update
This half term, we have carried out the second NFER test and the Senior Leadership Team has analysed the school's data which will be shared with the Governing Board at the next curriculum meeting. Alongside our data provider, we have created new templates to enable us to have consistency across the school.
We have also thoroughly planned for a national lockdown and have staff training on DB Primary and Teams. We have also worked with our IT support team to ensure that only children on our school domain can work on our Teams site. The children also received computing lessons. We covered the use of DB primary, Teams and E-safety
We also held our first virtual parents' evening which was attended by 98% of the school population. The parent forum reported that this was well received and that parents liked it. We will use this platform next time.
We also built in release time for subject leaders, so that they could have training on deep dives. Books were looked at in writing, reading, maths, science, art, RE, PSHE and the Early years. We looked at the consistency of marking and feedback, breadth and coverage, and the progressions of skills across the school. Any actions were fed back into the school's development plan and will be monitored again next term.
Subject leaders have also been able to look at learning opportunities missed during the first lockdown and have supported colleagues to find ways to build this learning in. This is known as a spiral curriculum.
We have used some of the 'catch-up' premium to support phonics interventions, and groups have been set up.
In order to ensure that our expectations are high in writing, the school also bought into an external moderation system called 'No More Marking'. The aim of this is to enable us to compare our standards against national data.
We were able to deliver our 'Remote learning policy'; feedback from the community and pupils was strong. As a school, we delivered three live sessions sessions per day. In addition, we ensured that we continue to offer a full broad and balanced curriculum. This has supported the progression of the 'Quality of Education". We have also revisited our Intent statement to ensure that it is clear and concise for all staff and that subject leaders can ensure that it translates to all areas of the curriculum. A NLE (National lead educator) visited the EYFS setting to look at the QOE. We were pleased with the feedback and have carried out further training and visited their setting. We have also made some further enhancements to entice children outside. This includes the purchasing of equipment to build a den. Reading has remained a focus for the school, and we have started the Herts reading fluency project in KS1. Summative assessment information is on SIMs and we have been able to run tests to share this information with parents as part of their end of year reports. We have also signed up to county moderation meetings and have started using a programme called 'No More Marking' which is a national assessment/ moderation tool to bench mark writing.